Dec 3, 2013

Christmasy Movies

Every year, right around this time, my thoughts turn to which “Christmasy” movies I should watch in celebration of the season. Every year I watch four staples: Die Hard, Elf, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and A Christmas Story. In addition to those four, I try and watch a few other Christmas related movies to round things out.

This year I think the other movies will be Deck the Halls, Four Christmases, Arthur Christmas, The Ice Harvest, While You Were Sleeping, Miracle on 34th Street, and The Muppet Christmas Carol.

That’s 11 movies in total, and about three weeks until Christmas, which works out to over three movies per week. While I do have a few days off around Christmas, writing it down and planning it out makes me think that I shouldn’t be spending time writing about it, but should be watching one instead.